
jopen 10年前



在你的view xml中添加组件定义,如下示例:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  <FrameLayout       xmlns:android=""      xmlns:sat=""      android:layout_width="fill_parent"      android:layout_height="fill_parent"      android:orientation="vertical" >        <android.view.ext.SatelliteMenu          android:id="@+id/menu"          android:layout_width="wrap_content"          android:layout_height="wrap_content"          android:layout_gravity="bottom|left"           android:layout_margin="8dp"          sat:satelliteDistance="170dp"          sat:mainImage="@drawable/ic_launcher"          sat:totalSpacingDegree="90"          sat:closeOnClick="true"          sat:expandDuration="500"/>    </FrameLayout>


  • satelliteDistance The distance of items from the center button
  • totalSpacingDegree The degree between the first and the last item.
  • closeOnClick Defines if the menu shall collapse after clicking on a menu item.
  • expandDuration The duration of expand and collapse operations in milliseconds.

当在你的View XML定义之后,可按以下代码添加子菜单:

SatelliteMenu menu = (SatelliteMenu) findViewById(;  List<SatelliteMenuItem> items = new ArrayList<SatelliteMenuItem>();  items.add(new SatelliteMenuItem(4, R.drawable.ic_1));  items.add(new SatelliteMenuItem(4, R.drawable.ic_3));  items.add(new SatelliteMenuItem(4, R.drawable.ic_4));  items.add(new SatelliteMenuItem(3, R.drawable.ic_5));  items.add(new SatelliteMenuItem(2, R.drawable.ic_6));  items.add(new SatelliteMenuItem(1, R.drawable.ic_2));

Each menu item takes the ID of the item and the drawable resource for the item.

In order to listen clicks on items:

menu.setOnItemClickedListener(new SateliteClickedListener() {    public void eventOccured(int id) {      Log.i("sat", "Clicked on " + id);    }  });

The click event gives the ID of the item which was defined when adding it.
