
y37f 9年前



You are welcome to see the sample of the project for fully operating sample in the Example folder.

  • Add folder YALContextMenu to your project.
  • #import “YALContextMenuTableView.h”to your view controller
  • Create custom UITableViewCell with UIView property for rotation animation and UIView property for fade out animation.
  • Your custom cell should implement YALContextMenuCell protocol
    @protocol YALContextMenuCell <NSObject>    - (UIView *)animatedIcon;  - (UIView *)animatedContent;    @end

  • Use the following code sample to start menu
    - (IBAction)presentMenuButtonTapped:(UIBarButtonItem *)sender {      // init YALContextMenuTableView tableView      if (!self.contextMenuTableView) {          self.contextMenuTableView = [[YALContextMenuTableView alloc]initWithTableViewDelegateDataSource:self];          self.contextMenuTableView.animationDuration = 0.15;          //optional - implement custom YALContextMenuTableView custom protocol          self.contextMenuTableView.yalDelegate = self;            //register nib          UINib *cellNib = [UINib nibWithNibName:@"ContextMenuCell" bundle:nil];          [self.contextMenuTableView registerNib:cellNib forCellReuseIdentifier:@"contextMenuCellReuseId"];      }        // it is better to use this method only for proper animation      [self.contextMenuTableView showInView:self.navigationController.view withEdgeInsets:UIEdgeInsetsZero animated:YES];  }

