
jopen 8年前




现通过ExtJS 4扩展类库 Ext.ux.data.PagingStore 来实现分页,建议使用前在GitHub获取最新版本。

使用时非常简单,只需将Store的继承类改为“Ext.ux.data.PagingStore”,其他分页配置可参照之前的文章《 ExtJS实现分页grid paging 》。

Ext.define('XXX', {   extend : 'Ext.ux.data.PagingStore'   ...  })


  • 本地分页后,如何强制重新查询后台数据?


store.getProxy().extraParams._TIME=new Date().getTime();
  • 分页按钮中的“刷新”如何去除?


afterrender : function(){         Ext.get("tab_id").down(".x-tbar-loading").up(".x-btn").setVisible(false);  }


/*  * PagingStore for Ext 4 - v0.6  * Based on Ext.ux.data.PagingStore for Ext JS 3, by Condor, found at  * http://www.sencha.com/forum/showthread.php?71532-Ext.ux.data.PagingStore-v0.5  * Stores are configured as normal, with whatever proxy you need for remote or local.  Set the  * lastOptions when defining the store to set start, limit and current page.  Store should only  * request new data if params or extraParams changes.  In Ext JS 4, start, limit and page are part of the  * options but no longer part of params.  * Example remote store:  *     var myStore = Ext.create('Ext.ux.data.PagingStore', {              model: 'Artist',              pageSize: 3,              lastOptions: {start: 0, limit: 3, page: 1},              proxy: {                type: 'ajax',                url: 'url/goes/here',                reader: {                  type: 'json',                  root: 'rows'                }              }        });  * Example local store:  *    var myStore = Ext.create('Ext.ux.data.PagingStore', {             model: 'Artist',             pageSize: 3,             proxy: {               type: 'memory',               reader: {                 type: 'array'               }             },             data: data       });  * To force a reload, delete store.lastParams.  */  Ext.define('Ext.ux.data.PagingStore', {  extend: 'Ext.data.Store',  alias: 'store.pagingstore',  destroyStore: function () {  this.callParent(arguments);  this.allData = null;  },  /**  * Currently, only looking at start, limit, page and params properties of options.  Ignore everything  * else.  * @param {Ext.data.Operation} options  * @return {boolean}  */  isPaging: function (options) {  var me = this,  start = options.start,  limit = options.limit,  page = options.page,  currentParams;  if ((typeof start != 'number') || (typeof limit != 'number')) {  delete me.start;  delete me.limit;  delete me.page;  me.lastParams = options.params;  return false;  }  me.start = start;  me.limit = limit;  me.currentPage = page;  var lastParams = this.lastParams;  currentParams = Ext.apply({}, options.params, this.proxy ? this.proxy.extraParams : {});  me.lastParams = currentParams;  if (!this.proxy) {  return true;  }  // No params from a previous load, must be the first load  if (!lastParams) {  return false;  }  //Iterate through all of the current parameters, if there are differences, then this is  //not just a paging request, but instead a true load request  for (var param in currentParams) {  if (currentParams.hasOwnProperty(param) && (currentParams[param] !== lastParams[param])) {  return false;  }  }  //Do the same iteration, but this time walking through the lastParams  for (param in lastParams) {  if (lastParams.hasOwnProperty(param) && (currentParams[param] !== lastParams[param])) {  return false;  }  }  return true;  },  applyPaging: function () {  var me = this,  start = me.start,  limit = me.limit,  allData, data;  if ((typeof start == 'number') && (typeof limit == 'number')) {  allData = this.data;  data = new Ext.util.MixedCollection(allData.allowFunctions, allData.getKey);  data.addAll(allData.items.slice(start, start + limit));  me.allData = allData;  me.data = data;  }  },  loadRecords: function (records, options) {  var me = this,  i = 0,  length = records.length,  start,  addRecords,  snapshot = me.snapshot,  allData = me.allData;  if (options) {  start = options.start;  addRecords = options.addRecords;  }  if (!addRecords) {  delete me.allData;  delete me.snapshot;  me.clearData(true);  } else if (allData) {  allData.addAll(records);  } else if (snapshot) {  snapshot.addAll(records);  }  me.data.addAll(records);  if (!me.allData) {  me.applyPaging();  }  if (start !== undefined) {  for (; i < length; i++) {  records[i].index = start + i;  records[i].join(me);  }  } else {  for (; i < length; i++) {  records[i].join(me);  }  }  /*  * this rather inelegant suspension and resumption of events is required because both the filter and sort functions  * fire an additional datachanged event, which is not wanted. Ideally we would do this a different way. The first  * datachanged event is fired by the call to this.add, above.  */  me.suspendEvents();  if (me.filterOnLoad && !me.remoteFilter) {  me.filter();  }  if (me.sortOnLoad && !me.remoteSort) {  me.sort(undefined, undefined, undefined, true);  }  me.resumeEvents();  me.fireEvent('datachanged', me);  me.fireEvent('refresh', me);  },  loadData: function (data, append) {  var me = this,  model = me.model,  length = data.length,  newData = [],  i,  record;  me.isPaging(Ext.apply({}, this.lastOptions ? this.lastOptions : {}));  //make sure each data element is an Ext.data.Model instance  for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {  record = data[i];  if (!(record.isModel)) {  record = Ext.ModelManager.create(record, model);  }  newData.push(record);  }  me.loadRecords(newData, append ? me.addRecordsOptions : undefined);  },  loadRawData: function (data, append) {  var me = this,  result = me.proxy.reader.read(data),  records = result.records;  if (result.success) {  me.totalCount = result.total;  me.isPaging(Ext.apply({}, this.lastOptions ? this.lastOptions : {}));  me.loadRecords(records, append ? me.addRecordsOptions : undefined);  me.fireEvent('load', me, records, true);  }  },  load: function (options) {  var me = this,  pagingOptions;  options = options || {};  if (typeof options == 'function') {  options = {  callback: options  };  }  options.groupers = options.groupers || me.groupers.items;  options.page = options.page || me.currentPage;  options.start = (options.start !== undefined) ? options.start : (options.page - 1) * me.pageSize;  options.limit = options.limit || me.pageSize;  options.addRecords = options.addRecords || false;  if (me.buffered) {  return me.loadToPrefetch(options);  }  var operation;  options = Ext.apply({  action: 'read',  filters: me.filters.items,  sorters: me.getSorters()  }, options);  me.lastOptions = options;  operation = new Ext.data.Operation(options);  if (me.fireEvent('beforeload', me, operation) !== false) {  me.loading = true;  pagingOptions = Ext.apply({}, options);  if (me.isPaging(pagingOptions)) {  Ext.Function.defer(function () {  if (me.allData) {  me.data = me.allData;  delete me.allData;  }  me.applyPaging();  me.fireEvent("datachanged", me);  me.fireEvent('refresh', me);  var r = [].concat(me.data.items);  me.loading = false;  me.fireEvent("load", me, r, true);  if (me.hasListeners.read) {  me.fireEvent('read', me, r, true);  }  if (options.callback) {  options.callback.call(options.scope || me, r, options, true);  }  }, 1, me);  return me;  }  me.proxy.read(operation, me.onProxyLoad, me);  }  return me;  },  insert: function (index, records) {  var me = this,  sync = false,  i,  record,  len;  records = [].concat(records);  for (i = 0, len = records.length; i < len; i++) {  record = me.createModel(records[i]);  record.set(me.modelDefaults);  // reassign the model in the array in case it wasn't created yet  records[i] = record;  me.data.insert(index + i, record);  record.join(me);  sync = sync || record.phantom === true;  }  if (me.allData) {  me.allData.addAll(records);  }  if (me.snapshot) {  me.snapshot.addAll(records);  }  if (me.requireSort) {  // suspend events so the usual data changed events don't get fired.  me.suspendEvents();  me.sort();  me.resumeEvents();  }  me.fireEvent('add', me, records, index);  me.fireEvent('datachanged', me);  if (me.autoSync && sync && !me.autoSyncSuspended) {  me.sync();  }  },  doSort: function (sorterFn) {  var me = this,  range,  ln,  i;  if (me.remoteSort) {  // For a buffered Store, we have to clear the prefetch cache since it is keyed by the index within the dataset.  // Then we must prefetch the new page 1, and when that arrives, reload the visible part of the Store  // via the guaranteedrange event  if (me.buffered) {  me.pageMap.clear();  me.loadPage(1);  } else {  //the load function will pick up the new sorters and request the sorted data from the proxy  me.load();  }  } else {  if (me.allData) {  me.data = me.allData;  delete me.allData;  }  me.data.sortBy(sorterFn);  if (!me.buffered) {  range = me.getRange();  ln = range.length;  for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {  range[i].index = i;  }  }  me.applyPaging();  me.fireEvent('datachanged', me);  me.fireEvent('refresh', me);  }  },  getTotalCount: function () {  return this.allData ? this.allData.getCount() : this.totalCount || 0;  },  //inherit docs  getNewRecords: function () {  if (this.allData) {  return this.allData.filterBy(this.filterNew).items;  }  return this.data.filterBy(this.filterNew).items;  },  //inherit docs  getUpdatedRecords: function () {  if (this.allData) {  return this.allData.filterBy(this.filterUpdated).items;  }  return this.data.filterBy(this.filterUpdated).items;  },  remove: function (records, /* private */ isMove) {  if (!Ext.isArray(records)) {  records = [records];  }  /*  * Pass the isMove parameter if we know we're going to be re-inserting this record  */  isMove = isMove === true;  var me = this,  sync = false,  i = 0,  length = records.length,  isNotPhantom,  index,  record;  for (; i < length; i++) {  record = records[i];  index = me.data.indexOf(record);  if (me.allData) {  me.allData.remove(record);  }  if (me.snapshot) {  me.snapshot.remove(record);  }  if (index > -1) {  isNotPhantom = record.phantom !== true;  // don't push phantom records onto removed  if (!isMove && isNotPhantom) {  // Store the index the record was removed from so that rejectChanges can re-insert at the correct place.  // The record's index property won't do, as that is the index in the overall dataset when Store is buffered.  record.removedFrom = index;  me.removed.push(record);  }  record.unjoin(me);  me.data.remove(record);  sync = sync || isNotPhantom;  me.fireEvent('remove', me, record, index);  }  }  me.fireEvent('datachanged', me);  if (!isMove && me.autoSync && sync && !me.autoSyncSuspended) {  me.sync();  }  },  filter: function (filters, value) {  if (Ext.isString(filters)) {  filters = {  property: filters,  value: value  };  }  var me = this,  decoded = me.decodeFilters(filters),  i = 0,  doLocalSort = me.sorters.length && me.sortOnFilter && !me.remoteSort,  length = decoded.length;  for (; i < length; i++) {  me.filters.replace(decoded[i]);  }  if (me.remoteFilter) {  // So that prefetchPage does not consider the store to be fully loaded if the local count is equal to the total count  delete me.totalCount;  // For a buffered Store, we have to clear the prefetch cache because the dataset will change upon filtering.  // Then we must prefetch the new page 1, and when that arrives, reload the visible part of the Store  // via the guaranteedrange event  if (me.buffered) {  me.pageMap.clear();  me.loadPage(1);  } else {  // Reset to the first page, the filter is likely to produce a smaller data set  me.currentPage = 1;  //the load function will pick up the new filters and request the filtered data from the proxy  me.load();  }  } else {  /**  * @property {Ext.util.MixedCollection} snapshot  * A pristine (unfiltered) collection of the records in this store. This is used to reinstate  * records when a filter is removed or changed  */  if (me.filters.getCount()) {  me.snapshot = me.snapshot || me.allData.clone() || me.data.clone();  if (me.allData) {  me.data = me.allData;  delete me.allData;  }  me.data = me.data.filter(me.filters.items);  me.applyPaging();  if (doLocalSort) {  me.sort();  } else {  // fire datachanged event if it hasn't already been fired by doSort  me.fireEvent('datachanged', me);  me.fireEvent('refresh', me);  }  }  }  },  clearFilter: function (suppressEvent) {  var me = this;  me.filters.clear();  if (me.remoteFilter) {  // In a buffered Store, the meaing of suppressEvent is to simply clear the filters collection  if (suppressEvent) {  return;  }  // So that prefetchPage does not consider the store to be fully loaded if the local count is equal to the total count  delete me.totalCount;  // For a buffered Store, we have to clear the prefetch cache because the dataset will change upon filtering.  // Then we must prefetch the new page 1, and when that arrives, reload the visible part of the Store  // via the guaranteedrange event  if (me.buffered) {  me.pageMap.clear();  me.loadPage(1);  } else {  // Reset to the first page, clearing a filter will destroy the context of the current dataset  me.currentPage = 1;  me.load();  }  } else if (me.isFiltered()) {  me.data = me.snapshot.clone();  delete me.allData;  delete me.snapshot;  me.applyPaging();  if (suppressEvent !== true) {  me.fireEvent('datachanged', me);  me.fireEvent('refresh', me);  }  }  },  isFiltered: function () {  var snapshot = this.snapshot;  return !!snapshot && snapshot !== (this.allData || this.data);  },  filterBy: function (fn, scope) {  var me = this;  me.snapshot = me.snapshot || me.allData.clone() || me.data.clone();  me.data = me.queryBy(fn, scope || me);  me.applyPaging();  me.fireEvent('datachanged', me);  me.fireEvent('refresh', me);  },  queryBy: function (fn, scope) {  var me = this,  data = me.snapshot || me.allData || me.data;  return data.filterBy(fn, scope || me);  },  collect: function (dataIndex, allowNull, bypassFilter) {  var me = this,  data = (bypassFilter === true && (me.snapshot || me.allData)) ? (me.snapshot || me.allData) : me.data;  return data.collect(dataIndex, 'data', allowNull);  },  getById: function (id) {  return (this.snapshot || this.allData || this.data).findBy(function (record) {  return record.getId() === id;  });  },  removeAll: function (silent) {  var me = this;  me.clearData();  if (me.snapshot) {  me.snapshot.clear();  }  if (me.allData) {  me.allData.clear();  }  // Special handling to synch the PageMap only for removeAll  // TODO: handle other store/data modifications WRT buffered Stores.  if (me.pageMap) {  me.pageMap.clear();  }  if (silent !== true) {  me.fireEvent('clear', me);  }  }  });

来自: http://www.cnblogs.com/feiqihang/p/5107844.html