
jopen 10年前


Pure : CSS Framework


Pure is a new one that is formed by Yahoo! It practices Normalize.CSS and does not make use of any JavaScript but only HTML-CSS. The framework is made with responsive designs in mind and has elegances for navigation, tables, forms, buttons, grids and typography.



Fries is a solid HTML-CSS-JS framework for building Android-like User-Interfaces both for real-world prototyping and practice. The framework has all the key modules like tabs, buttons, lists, spinners, action bars or forms.

Zoey : For Creating Mobile Apps


It is a HTML5-CSS3-powered framework for making mobile applications, assembled on top of Zepto.js and masses only 6kb (gzipped). Zoey has the User-Interface modules like control groups, lists, navigation, buttons, grids and forms.



Microjs is a website which is a reference book of such small (less than 5kb) JavaScript libraries and frameworks. From a list of selections, you can pick the feature you need like: data manipulation, CSS animation and a base framework, etc

Lime JS


It is a HTML5 game framework for developing games that will sense native and functions swiftly in contemporary desktop browsers and touch-screens. LimeJS is generated with Closure Library developed by Google and includes functions/classes to control the animations, timeline, shapes and events.

52 Framework


52framework is a CSS framework which offers a stress-free method to construct websites by HTML5 & CSS3 while still supporting all contemporary web browsers (including ie6). It makes use of HTML5 tags like footer, nav header, article, section, or new input field types like email, url, etc



Baseline is a CSS framework, made with typographic criterions in mind that targets to streamline building a website with an attractive grid and good typesetting. With the assistance of reset.css & base.css files, Baseline dispels the default performance of your browser & constructs a basic typographic design to initiate with.

Gumby 2


Gumby is a responsive and 960px-grid CSS grid framework that can be modified to labour in each resolution, it is fairly alike to 推ter Bootstrap, it comes with a web User Interface Kit of good beholding buttons, forms, navigation + tabs and a tiny JavaScript file that carries these modules to life.



It is a CSS framework that aids you to effortlessly make cross-browser web forms. It functions with the system offered by Fluid 960 Grid System to combine the form’s design, permitting complete tractability to lay it in any website.

推ter Bootstrap : CSS Toolkit by 推ter


推ter Bootstrap is a toolkit generated by 推ter for kick-starting CSS when building websites. It is made with Fewer and comprises of base CSS + HTML for navigation, grids, forms, tables, buttons, typography and several more.