6 本免费的Node.js电子书籍

jopen 10年前

6 Best Free Node.js Ebooks

1. mastering Node.js

A great free open source node.js ebook created by T.J.Holowaychuk that will help you to master node.js. This free node.js ebook is available in pdf, epub, html and mobi format.

6 本免费的Node.js电子书籍

2. Mixu’s Node Book

One of the best free node.js ebook available on the internet that will help you learn basic and advance techniques to use node.js. This ebook is available in various formats like mobi, pdf, html and epub.

6 本免费的Node.js电子书籍

3. Node : Up and Running

A great node.js ebook written by Tom Hughes – Croucher that is available for purchase on Amazon but online version of this ebook is totally free.

6 本免费的Node.js电子书籍

4. Node.js Succinctly

A free ebook by Agus Kurnlawan that you can download by just creating a free account on Syncfusion. This ebook will help you learn creating server-side applications using Node.js.

6 本免费的Node.js电子书籍

5. Felix’s Node.js Guide

A free ebook by early node.js core contributor Felix Geisendörfer so you can expect some kick-ass material from him. This free ebook will help beginners to learn more about node.js and how to use in your projects.

6 本免费的Node.js电子书籍

6. Bulletproof node.js coding

Not a ebook though but a very useful tutorial by Stella Laurenzo that will help you to code more efficiently in node.js.

6 本免费的Node.js电子书籍

In the end as always I would put a question before you to know if our compilation proved helpful and as to which one of the above listed 6 best free Node.js ebooks you found apt enough to be downloaded to enhance your knowledge on this particular topic? Also, don’t forget to share any such useful Node.js ebooks that you have either come across or know if any of your acquaintance has written.