GhostBSD 3.5 RC2 发布,基于FreeBSD的桌面操作系统

jopen 11年前

GhostBSD 3.5 RC2 发布
Eric Turgeon has announced the availability of the second release candidate for GhostBSD 3.5, a desktop-oriented operating system offering a choice of several lightweight and more traditional desktop user interfaces: " The second release candidate builds of the 3.5 release is now available on SourceForge for LXDE and Xfce on amd64 and i386 architectures. Changes between RC1 and RC2 include: FreeBSD 9.2-RC4 to FreeBSD 9.2-RELEASE; i386 Openbox menu has been fixed; the installer's 'Customize Partitionnig' option windows title has been modified. Known issues: the Bxpkg update manager doesn't work properly and can harm the system if used; the GDM mouse might hang, but should be usable. We look forward to receiving your feedback. Thank you for using GhostBSD and have fun testing the RC!"
Here is the brief release announcement with screenshots.
Download (SHA256) your preferred edition from SourceForge:
GhostBSD3.5-RC2-lxde-amd64.iso (1,762MB), GhostBSD3.5-RC2-mate-amd64.iso (1,848MB), GhostBSD3.5-RC2-openbox-amd64.iso (690MB), GhostBSD3.5-RC2-xfce4-amd64.iso (1,764MB). GhostBSD 3.5 RC2 发布