本周15个最新免费的 jQuery 插件#7 (2015年3月)

dy223 9年前

Credit Card Validation

本周15个最新免费的 jQuery 插件#7 (2015年3月)

A lightweight and easy to implement jQuery plugin that lets you embed and display real time content from any websites directly in your page. No server-side dependencies. No same origin policy constraints.

jQuery HTML Embed

本周15个最新免费的 jQuery 插件#7 (2015年3月)

A lightweight and easy to implement jQuery plugin that lets you embed and display real time content from any websites directly in your page. No server-side dependencies. No same origin policy constraints.

jQuery coverscroll

本周15个最新免费的 jQuery 插件#7 (2015年3月)

Improves scroll performance by adding a cover layer to prevent hover styles from triggering.

Shifting Material Button Modal

本周15个最新免费的 jQuery 插件#7 (2015年3月)

Two call-to-action buttons that give context to your modals in a Material Design fashion.

Product Preview Slider

本周15个最新免费的 jQuery 插件#7 (2015年3月)

An easy way to show more product images and variations right in the product gallery.

jQuery slipSlide

本周15个最新免费的 jQuery 插件#7 (2015年3月)

A plugin to add a bitchin’ starry background to your website.

jQuery Responsive Image Gallery

本周15个最新免费的 jQuery 插件#7 (2015年3月)

A simple image gallery with filter functionality, created with jQuery.

jQuery ja-filter

本周15个最新免费的 jQuery 插件#7 (2015年3月)

A jQuery plugin for content filtering.

jQuery carddeck

本周15个最新免费的 jQuery 插件#7 (2015年3月)

An example jQuery plugin that generates and shuffles a deck of cards.

jQuery Linked UI Sliders

本周15个最新免费的 jQuery 插件#7 (2015年3月)

This plugin links several jQuery UI Sliders so that they always total to a given value.

jQuery thesaurus

本周15个最新免费的 jQuery 插件#7 (2015年3月)

You can apply the plugin for content areas on your site pages and it will highlight all the terms from the dictionary (by default: sample.csv). When hovering a term, visitors of your site will get definition of the term on a tooltip. Content of the appeared tooltip is being processed as well. So if any terms are encountered , they get definition-tooltips attached. If you switch to DB data-source, you will have visits and click statistics collected.

jQuery preview-image-jquery

本周15个最新免费的 jQuery 插件#7 (2015年3月)

jQuery plugin that adds an image preview mouse over to any element on the page with a data-preview-image attribute.

jQuery mxm-accordion

本周15个最新免费的 jQuery 插件#7 (2015年3月)

An accordion jQuery plugin with support for tab groups or simple expander functionality, multiple togglers/content containers, emits events on opening, open, closing and closed and uses CSS3 transitions with a jQuery fallback or no animations.

Fixed Background Effect

本周15个最新免费的 jQuery 插件#7 (2015年3月)

A simple template that takes advantage of the background-attachment CSS property to create a fixed background effect.

Jquery decrypt.js

本周15个最新免费的 jQuery 插件#7 (2015年3月)

Use decrypt.js to unscramble some random text like “5y5pvh2SZdHMQutybUTXGPhc#1d” into“decrypt_effect.js examples!” right in front of your users.