jQuery EasyUI 1.3.1 发布

jopen 12年前
   <p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958190760365515108" target="_blank">jQuery easyui</a> 为网页开发提供了一堆的常用UI组件,包括菜单、对话框、布局、窗帘、表格、表单等等逐渐。</p>    <ul>     <li>easyui is a collection of user-interface plugin based on jQuery.</li>     <li>easyui provides essential functionality for building modem, interactive, javascript applications.</li>     <li>using easyui you don't need to write many javascript code, you usually defines user-interface by writing some HTML markup.</li>     <li>complete framework for HTML5 web page.</li>     <li>easyui save your time and scales while developing your products.</li>     <li>easyui is very easy but powerful.</li>    </ul>    <p>下图是一个各种控件的界面效果:</p>    <p><img title="easyui.jpg" border="0" alt="easyui.jpg" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/625d094799482b3eeefd29aa043a88a9.jpg" width="448" height="171" /></p>    <p>jQuery EasyUI 1.3.1 发布,详细改进记录包括:</p>    <div style="line-height:normal;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, 'Nimbus Sans L', sans-serif;font-size:14px;">    Bug    </div>    <ul style="line-height:normal;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, 'Nimbus Sans L', sans-serif;font-size:14px;">     <li>datagrid: Setting the 'pageNumber' property is not valid. fixed.</li>     <li>datagrid: The id attribute of rows isn't adjusted properly while calling 'insertRow' or 'deleteRow' method.</li>     <li>dialog: When load content from 'href', the script will run twice. fixed.</li>     <li>propertygrid: The editors that extended from combo can not accept its changed value. fixed.</li>    </ul>    <div style="line-height:normal;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, 'Nimbus Sans L', sans-serif;font-size:14px;">    Improvement    </div>    <ul style="line-height:normal;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, 'Nimbus Sans L', sans-serif;font-size:14px;">     <li>droppable: Add 'disabled' property.</li>     <li>droppable: Add 'options','enable' and 'disable' methods.</li>     <li>tabs: The tab panel tools can be changed by calling 'update' method.</li>     <li>messager: When show a message window, the user can define the window position by applying 'style' property.</li>     <li>window: Prevent script on window body from running twice.</li>     <li>window: Add 'hcenter','vcenter' and 'center' methods.</li>     <li>tree: Add 'onBeforeCheck' callback event.</li>     <li>tree: Extend the 'getChecked' method to allow users to get 'checked','unchecked' or 'indeterminate' nodes.</li>     <li>treegrid: Add 'update' method to update a specified node.</li>     <li>treegrid: Add 'insert' method to insert a new node.</li>     <li>treegrid: Add 'pop' method to remove a node and get the removed node data.</li>    </ul>