ZevenOS 3.3 "Neptune" 发布

admin 11年前

ZevenOS 3.3
Leszek Lesner has announced the release of ZevenOS 3.3 "Neptune" edition, an updated release of the project's Debian-based distribution featuring the KDE 4.11.2 desktop and many popular applications in their latest versions:
" The Neptune team is proud to announce the release of Neptune 3.3. This release features Linux kernel 3.10.12 and is exclusively meant to run on 64-bit CPUs. The KDE Plasma Desktop ships with version 4.11.2. Chromium was updated to version 29, VLC to 2.1 and LibreOffice to version 4.1.2. We ship with the latest and greatest multimedia codecs pre-installed, as well as the Flash player. For wireless diagnosis we ship Wireshark, Aircrack-ng and kismon. We made a lot effort in cleaning up the system and removed Eclipse as well as the Muon software center and qapt-deb-installer. We removed pavucontrol which is no longer used as we don't ship PulseAudio. Linux kernel 3.10.12 comes with patched zram to prevent freezes. We also added a renewed quick installation manual."
See the release announcement for a list of new features and other details. Download (MD5): Neptune33.iso (1,802MB). <IMG title=ZevenOS border=1 hspace=6 alt="ZevenOS 3.3 " vspace=6 src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/93aaf8a2311c67a530bc737b5f1eed18.png" width=480 height=384 发布?="" neptune?="">