Manjaro Linux 发布

jopen 11年前

Manjaro Linux是快速的、用户友好的、面向桌面的、基于Arch Linux的操作系统。它的一些显著特性包括:一份直观的安装程序、自动硬件检测、稳定的滚动式发布模式、对安装多个内核的支持、用于管理图形卡的特别Bash脚本、高度的桌面可配置性。Manjaro Linux提供Xfce和Openbox桌面作为核心选项,并为高级用户提供一份最小主义的Net版本。用户还可以获得社区支持的GNOME 3/Cinnamon及KDE版本。Manjaro的社区论坛可提供帮助并充满活力,用户受益其中。
Manjaro Linux 发布
Philip Müller has announced the release of an updated build of Manjaro Linux, version, an Arch-based distribution with a choice of Xfce or Openbox and now also complete with a useful 63-page beginner's guide:

" On behalf of the Manjaro development team I'm happy to announce our updated stable release of Manjaro Linux 'Ascella'. The last two weeks we tweaked and enhanced our current stable release to make it even better. The live installer got simplified to make it even smoother to install Manjaro. Now we support optional Plymouth to be installed. Linux kernel 3.10 series is now used which gives you more hardware support than our last stable release. This release includes both update packs we released the past two weeks. Grammar issues and little changes make the welcome screen an even better introduction to Manjaro Linux."

Here is the full release announcement.
Download ( MD5): manjaro-xfce- (1,112MB),
manjaro-openbox- (686MB). Manjaro Linux 发布