Scientific Linux 7.0 发布

jopen 10年前

Scientific Linux是重新编译的Red Hat Enterprise Linux,由费米国家加速器实验室和欧洲核研究组织(CERN)共同开发。尽管它旨在与Red Hat Enterprise Linux完全兼容,它也提供了上游产品中未收入的额外软件包,这当中最值得一提的是各种文件系统,包括Cluster Suite和Global File System(GFS)、FUSE、OpenAFS、Squashfs、Unionfs,以及对Intel无线固件的无线网络支持、MadWiFi和 NDISwrapper、Sun Java及Java Development Kit(JDK)、轻量级的IceWM窗口管理器、面向统计计算的R语言环境,以及Alpine邮件客户端。
elrepo-release - this package contains the ELRepo driver yum repo and GPG key; epel-release - this package contains the EPEL driver yum repo and GPG key; OpenAFS - this package contains the OpenAFS driver and client utilities; SL_gdm_no_user_list - this package will disable the GDM user list in the chooser; SL_enable_serialconsole - will setup a serial console for login; SL_no_colorls - will disable the automatic colorized ls output; sl-bookmarks - replaces redhat-bookmarks and removes upstream branding....
Download: SL-7-x86_64-DVD.iso (4,019MB, SHA256, pkglist).