10 个加速移动应用开发的JavaScript框架

jopen 11年前

Sencha Touch

Sencha Touch is counted among the best JavaScript frameworks. It is a high-performance HTML5 mobile application framework, is the cornerstone of the Sencha HTML5 platform. Built for enabling world-class user experiences, Sencha Touch is the only framework that enables developers to build fast and impressive apps that work on iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Kindle Fire, and more.

10 个加速移动应用开发的JavaScript框架

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jQuery Mobile

jQuery mobile framework takes the “write less, do more” mantra to the next level: Instead of writing unique apps for each mobile device or OS, the jQuery mobile framework allows you to design a single highly-branded web site or application that will work on all popular smartphone, tablet, and desktop platforms

10 个加速移动应用开发的JavaScript框架

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The M Project

The-M-Project is a Mobile HTML5 JavaScript Framework that helps you build great mobile apps, easy and fast. The-M-Project ships with lots of game changing HTML5/CSS3 based features like offline support, local storage, positioning, a touch-optimized UI and many more.

10 个加速移动应用开发的JavaScript框架

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Appcelerator Titanium

Appcelerator Titanium is a next-generation mobile platform that can be used to develop apps for Apple and Android. You can use Appcelerator Titanium to build table views, switches, tabs and popovers. It also enables easy integration with mobile devices’ cameras and files stored on the devices. Moreover, if you want to avoid learning Objective-C and Android SDK, Appcelerator Titanium offers several helpful tips.

10 个加速移动应用开发的JavaScript框架

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Zepto is a minimalist JavaScript library for modern browsers with a largely jQuery-compatible API. It was built specifically for mobile WebKit browsers such as Safari and Chrome and obeys a minimalist development philosophy that makes mobile development fast and easy. Zepto is about keeping things simple—the goal of the framework is precise and to the point: to have 5 to 10k modular libraries that can be easily downloaded and quickly executed.

10 个加速移动应用开发的JavaScript框架

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DHTMLX Touch is a free open source JavaScript library for building HTML5-based mobile web apps. It’s not just a set of UI widgets, but a complete framework that allows you to create eye-catching, robust web applications that run on iOS, Android, and other mobile platforms.

10 个加速移动应用开发的JavaScript框架

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LimeJS is a HTML5 game framework for building fast, native-experience games for all modern touchscreens and
desktop browsers.

10 个加速移动应用开发的JavaScript框架

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jQTouch is a jQuery plugin for mobile web development on the iPhone, Android, iPod Touch, and other forward-thinking devices.

10 个加速移动应用开发的JavaScript框架

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Treesaver is a JavaScript framework for creating magazine-style layouts using standards-compliant HTML and CSS.

10 个加速移动应用开发的JavaScript框架

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Mobilize.js is one such JavaScript framework that automatically detects mobile browsers and easily integrates, without the need to change anything on the server.
That it’s open source and use familiar HTML5, Javascript and JQuery Mobile tools. it also supports iPhone, Android, Blackberry, Opera Mini and many other browsers and devices.

10 个加速移动应用开发的JavaScript框架

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